Digital Story of CED Planning Process.mp4



A research university committed to the holistic development of the individual and society.



To provide quality education for the sustainable development of the nation and the global community.


We are conscientious, and we take pride in the amount of care, skill, and heart we put into our work to produce excellent outcomes—ones that add value to the people and places around us. We uphold high standards of performance in all the things that we do because we are passionate about making the world a better place. We believe in giving ourselves fully to all our undertakings because the world deserves no less. We strive to realize our full potential and make meaningful contributions to humanity.

We value integrity and thus, strive to stand up for what is morally right. We make sure we fulfill commitments as a gesture of respect. We believe that honesty and trustworthiness are important tenets of good character.

We have faith in our shared humanity. We fully recognize that in a world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, we need to be people for others. We open ourselves up to a world of needs, and we endeavor to be conduits of inclusivity and equity in access to services and opportunities.


We have the grit to overcome obstacles and challenges in our pursuit of relevance and excellence. We expose ourselves to new experiences and knowledge, and we believe that there are no limitations to the mind. As such, we are aware that problems can be solved through imagination, research, experimentation, and play.

We value curiosity and embrace generous inquiries. We constantly ask questions and challenge mental models to bring about new and out-of-the-box ideas. We embrace the diversity of expertise and break boundaries between fields. We ensure that our pursuit of knowledge is grounded in the issues facing our communities. We work and collaborate to find creative solutions to address them.



Accreditation Schedule 

Day 1 9:00 AM    -   9:45 AM   Opening Program

March 29, 2023     9:45 AM    -   12:00 PM         Checking of Documents

  12:00 PM    -   1:30 PM        Lunch Break

1:30 PM     -   5:00 PM        Checking of Documents

Day 2 8:00 AM   -  12:00 PM Break-out Sessions of Programs 

March 30, 2023   12:00 PM   -  1:30 PM     Lunch Break 

  1:30 PM    -   5:00 PM         Checking of Documents 

Day 3 8:00 AM    -   12:00 PM Break-out Sessions of Programs 

March 31, 2023     Preparation of Reports

  12:00 PM   -   1:30 PM     Lunch Break 

  1:30 PM     -   5:00 PM       Closing Program